Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Kaity Baby!

Today is my bestie's birthday-the one and only Kaitlyn Swenson!
Kaity and I met in BYU Preschool and have been BFF ever since!
(That is a very long time to stay best friends in case you did not realize...and no we have never gotten sick of each other)
This girl has been with me from the beginning and I could not love her more if she was my own sister.

Kaitlyn is ....

Absolutely beautiful

One of the funniest people I have met in my entire life-I get a killer ab work out from laughing so hard every time I am with her

An amazingly talented me this girl has got some killer moves. You don't get to be the Cougarette President for nothing!

A total sweetheart. I cannot count the number of times she has been there for me when I needed it most 

Extremely hardworking and dedicated to anything she is involved in. I am seriously inspired by her work ethic every single day

Such a great influence and example in my life. I honestly feel so blessed to have her as a friend and don't know what I would do without her!

(Once again, I am dying that I don't have pictures from our younger years. They are classic!)

I love you soo much and hope you have an amazing day!
We will have an epic belated birthday celebration, complete with lots of mint chocolate chip ice cream, when I get back :)

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